Mountain Co-Op Equipment backpack; Masterlock; Canada badge, Ireland badge, yellow flower badge; long black jacket; fleece jacket; striped linen pants; black long sleeve thermal shirt, red long sleeve t-shirt; 4 pairs of underwear, 2 bras; 2 pairs of good hiking socks; swimsuit; green scarf; black scarf; green t-shirt, black t-shirt; black pants; jym jam bottoms; yellow wrap; 2 tank tops; linen jacket/top; beige skirt; cotton dress; bandana; hat; yellow linen shirt; white linen pants; mosquito net; yellow rain poncho; shammy towel; sleepin bag and silk incert; 27 tampons; playing cards; 3-in-1 game; sewing kit; extra pockets and fabric; tube with large drawing paper; strawberry Kool-Aid crystals; hiking boots and insoles; 1 neck pouch; 2 money belts; whistle; 2 daypacks; sketch journal; 20 sheets of watercolor paper; 20 sheets of acrylic paper; my resume; greeting card; 7 envelopes; a sheet of stickers; painters palette; watercolor board; 100 blank postcards; plastic sheet coholsers with copies of important documents; lined journal; 5 black markers; toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss; toenail clippers and tweezers; plaque remover sticks; Iris handcream; Nytol, Mersyndol and cold tablets; wet wipes; empty pill bottle; red notebook; word search book; 2 pencil sharpeners; 10 tubes of acrylic paint; white eraser; glue stick; water container for painting; 4 paint brushes; 14 colored pencils; 6 pencils; mascara; lip liner; nail file; Avon cuticle vanishing cream; string bracelet; necklace charm; ribbon; colorful bracelet string; tiny wedding cake (bride and groom) decoration; hair brush; overpriced shampoo and conditioner for Derry highlights; deoderant; anteceptic mouthwash; nuts; musli; winter hat and mits; address book; 4 hair elastics; shaver and 6 blades; and now I will continue because there is with large drawing paper; red bag #1 (Opinel French knife, Swiss Army knife, multiple gadget with pliers and screwdriver, 2 emergency fruit bars, dental repair kit, 3 months worth of Doxycycline, Mersyndol(codeine), Tylenol, Alleve, 70 weeks worth of Mefloquine, suppositories, 34 Immodium tablets, 26 Cipro tablets, 25 antihistamine tablets); red bag #2 (Bullfrog sunscreen, cable ties, 2 inhalers, more sunscreen, Lonely Planet health travel book, sensodine toothpaste, dental floss, echineacea vitamin C tablets, table salt, 4 hair elastics, worry dolls on a string, 240 woman's vitamins, sterile medical pack, reminants of a medical pack); red bag #3 (scissors, tweezors, nail clippers, snake bit kit, rehydration solution, more pain relievers in little packages, lightstick, flashlight, matches, first aid cream, anti-itch cream, 42 alcohol and anticeptic wipes, cleanser, safety pins, tensor bandage, emergency blanket, thermometer, Irish Beleek shamrock, triangular bandage, little angel, 28 various band-aids, 16 butterfly closures, first aid ointment, first aid book, eye wash kit, sterile gloves, eye pad, 7 Q-tips, insect bite swabs, 10 extra Ziplock bags, 2 instant ice packs, sterile pads and gauze, box of waterproof matches, bicarbonate soda, Pristine water purification system part A and B, Ben's 95% tick and insect repellant); large Cool Aid strawberry flavor; empty film container; Lonely Planet "Read This First Africa" book; Lonely Planet "AFrica in a Shoestring"; various pages from "Africa by Road"; Chaco sandals; mini padlock; sunglasses with string and cloth cleaner; finger puppets; folic acid tablets; chapstick; shimmer stick and mascara; nail clippers and tweezers; and a can opener.